Covid-19 Update from Discovery Surf School

16th May 2020
In these unique times, where the sun has shone most days but the beach has remained eerily quiet, we have had much to wonder about. Discovery has been closed since March the 20th, when lockdown was first announced and we are hopefully going to be able to re-open in some capacity in the coming weeks.
We will keep our social media and here up to date, so keep an eye out...
Living in Bigbury on-Sea, as well as working here, has been our saviour over the past few weeks and despite the terrible consequences of Covid 19 reverberating around the world, here has been our sanctuary. Daily walks and hundreds of photos - check out our social media for the highlights! Quality time with the children and working at home have kept us busy.
Inevitably as a result of these challenging times most of our regular school and large group bookings have cancelled, but we are now planning how we can tentatively open as the lockdown is gradually lifted around the UK. Our main concern is for our staff and our customers, so we are risk assessing how we can move forward safely, and we plan to start with hiring of equipment and giving private lessons. The caveat to all this is that we are following Government guidelines at all times - so things could change.
Do sign up to our newsletter or email us directly or keep an eye on our social media, as we will be updating our plans regularly.
We work with so many fabulous different organisations, charities and schools and we look forward to seeing everyone again when it is safe to do so.
Stay safe and enjoy the sunshine.
Martin and Annika, Discovery Surf School