Instructional DVDs

110% Surfing Techniques Volume 1 DVD

110% Surfing Techniques Volume 1 DVD

Regular price £8.99

26 in stock

Our best selling DVD, it's packed full of tips for beginner and intermediate surfers, and also has some advanced sections too. Sections include, catching green waves, turns, duck diving, paddling, catching waves, turning, surf etiquette, basic surf information and heaps more.
There are regular and goofy foot versions on the DVD to help you practice the tips yourself. There is also a bonus Stand Up Paddle section too for the basics.
This DVD has been top of the selling charts on Amazon and Magicseaweed since its release.
Total Running Time: 98 minutes

110% Surfing Techniques Volume 2 DVD

110% Surfing Techniques Volume 2 DVD

Regular price £9.99

21 in stock

110% Surfing Techniques Volume 2 is packed full of high performance surfing tips. Including; forehand tube rides, snaps, power paddle, heavy drops, off the tops, whitewater climbs, bottom turns and heaps more (20 sections in total).

Total Running Time 138 minute. (68 minutes regular foot, 68 minutes goofy foot & 2 minutes credits/bonus/trailers)

110% Surfing Techniques Volume 3 DVD

110% Surfing Techniques Volume 3 DVD

Regular price £10.99

19 in stock

110% Surfing Techniques Volume 3 has 69 minutes of tips and techniques. Available in PAL (worldwide) or NTSC (US). Vol 3 will improve your overall surfing performance from catching more waves through to landing airs.


Total Running Time: 140 mins (69 mins regular, 69 mins goofy, 2 mins credits)
